maître de conférences


Maître de Conférences, Université Gustave Eiffel

  • 2022-- - Programmation d'applications réseaux, Cours/TD (45h, Master 1 Informatique)
  • 2022-- - Java Avancé, TP (Master 1 Informatique)
  • 2022-- - Concurrence in Java, Cours/TD (Master 1 Informatique)
  • 2023-- - Programmation Système, TP (Licence 3 Informatique)

ATER Université Gustave Eiffel

  • 2021 - Programmation d'applications réseaux, CoursTD (45h, Master 1 Informatique) - One semester course. Design network applications and protocols on top of IP, UDP or TCP, in Java.
  • 2021 - Algorithmique avancée, TD+TP (30h, 3rd semester, engineering students) - Dynamic programming, divide and conquer, algorithms on graphs.
  • 2021 - Algorithmique des arbres, TP (24h, 3rd semester, Licence Informatique) - Introduction to trees in C: lists, trees, binary search trees, AVL, heaps.
  • 2021 - Compilers, TD (24h, 3rd year, Licence Informatique) - One semester course. Translation in Flex&Bison, along with assembler x86, in order to make a compiler for a ``reduced'' subset of the C language.
  • 2020 - Analyse syntaxique, TD+TP (30h, 3rd semester, engineering students) - One semester course. Context free grammars, push-down automata, elimination of left-recurisivity, Chomsky normal form, LL(k) and LR(k) grammars. Construction of syntax analyser for a subset of the C language.
  • 2020 - Intro. Prog. C, TD (24h, 3rd semester, Licence Informatique) - Introduction to trees in C: lists, trees, binary search trees, AVL, heaps.
  • 2020 - Prog. C Avancée, TD (48h, 3rd year, Licence Informatique).
  • 2020 - Principes des systèmes d’exploitation, TD (20h, 3rd semester, DUT Informatique) - Introduction to computer architecture, assembleur, system calls and processes&threads in C.

ATER Marne-la-Vallée

  • 2019 - Algorithmique avancée, TD+TP (30h, 3rd semester, engineering students) - Dynamic programming, divide and conquer, algorithms on graphs.
  • 2019 - Algorithmique des arbres, TP (24h, 3rd semester, Licence Informatique) - Introduction to trees in C: lists, trees, binary search trees, AVL, heaps.
  • 2019 - Compilers, TD (48h, 3rd year, Licence Informatique) - One semester course. Translation in Flex&Bison, along with assembler x86, in order to make a compiler for a ``reduced'' subset of the C language.
  • 2018 - Principes des systèmes d’exploitation, TD (40h, 3rd semester, DUT Informatique) - Introduction to computer architecture, assembleur, system calls and processes&threads in C.
  • 2018 - Administration Système, CM+TP (30h, 1st semester engineering students) - Introduction to the *nix environment: installing debian, bash, disk partitions, backups.

Monitorat: Licence Informatique, Paris 7

  • 2018 - Internet et Outils 2, TD (48h, 2nd semester students) - Introduction to web programming with HTML, CSS and PHP.
  • 2017 - Eléments d'Algorithmique 2, TD (24h, 3rd semester students) - Third semester course giving basic notions of correctness and efficiency of an algorithm. Includes basic data structures, Mergesort and Binary Heaps.
  • 2016 - Bases de Donées, TP (36h, 3rd semester students) - Introduction to Databases: relational algebra, SQL queries, database design. Project in MySQL.
  • 2016 - Initiation à la Programmation 1, TP (24, 1st semester students) - Introduction to programming for first semester students.
  • 2016 - Initiation à la Programmation 2, TD and TP (48h, 2nd semester students), TD (24h, 2nd semester students) - Programming of basic data structures such as lists and trees in Java.
  • 2016 - Concepts Informatiques 2, TD (24h, 2nd semester students) - Introduction to concepts such as pointers and recursion, emphasis given on what happens at the machine level (pseudo-ensembler).